Saturday, March 8, 2008

And now for something completely different...a finished project

Made this lovely shawl for PsychaDurmont for x-mas out of lovely frog tree silk and cotton yarn. Pattern is "Sweat Pea Shawl" from Happy Hooker by Debbie Stoller.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Animal Bjd's taken a bit too far, thank you!

For goodness sake...this is just plan scary! Argh! Thanks go out to Bjd Boston Cult for the info on this little horror. For FUCK'S sake, the top picture has it wearing a diaper. ugh.

Leetle Piggie Eyessss! Or, Why, Dollmore, Why?

I just have something against Dollmore's new kiddos. Their eyes remind me of pigs...and not in a good way either :(

No, not the dollie!

Psychadurmont's lovely Pinkie getting eaten by a snake! OMGS!

Because Livejournal is kinda boring.

Oh, I just thought the dog-eating snake is funny. And I don't really have all that much to post right now, as I'm at work ::shhhhhh::