Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Creativity and Time

I’m feeling terribly insecure about my own creative efforts. I see other artists design amazing things, and I feel a tinge of jealousy. Yet, I realize they have their own processes and abilities. The only difference between myself and a great artist feels less like a great chasm when I realize these artists, they spend time doing their art. Hours of hard work forges a beautiful scarf, or necklace of tiny beads. You don’t become a writer, artist, knitter by dicking around facebook playing bejeweled blitz, candy crush, or grumpy cat games. Blowing off steam is one thing, avoiding one’s creative side is another, more insidious side of dicking around on the internet. What am I avoiding? I don’t have time to be scared anymore. I stopped being scared whilst riding a horse that is “too fast,” so perhaps it is time to reflect on what is really important to me. I have spent most of my life encouraging others to find their muse, to create, to explore art and craft, but I have only touched the very tip of what I am capable of myself. I may be staying at my current job situation, but I feel change is needed in my personal, creative life. Time to fly?

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